The WenJugglers Foundation course is a mandatory course for those wishing to enroll into the academy. It focuses on the overall development of the student while teaching them the fundamentals of juggling balls, clubs and rings.

The course also focuses on personality development. Drills and exercises will be conducted that will help the student become charismatic and rid them of stage fear. The basics of public speaking will be taught to the students as we feel that an artist or performer needs to effectively communicate with their audience.

The Foundation course emphasises on building flexibility and stamina which will enable the student to perform acrobatic feats and graceful movements.

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The WenJugglers Academy offers a systematic grade wise progression that tests the skill level of the student

3 Balls
  1. 30 catches of 3 balls
  2. One over the top from one side
  3. One over the top from the other side
  4. Two sets of columns – siteswap: (4,4)(4,0)
  5. One behind the back from one side
  6. One behind the back from the other side
  7. One under the arm
  8. One under the other arm
  9. Four throws of two in each hand individually 3 Rings
  10. Nine catches of three rings

3 Rings

  1. Nine catches of three rings

3 Balls
  1. Four sets of 441
  2. Six catches of a reverse cascade
  3. Two sets of a synchronised crossing pattern
  4. Three connected behind the back throws
  5. Six connected overhead throws
  6. Six shower pattern throws
  7. One up 180
  8. One up 360

4 balls

  1. Eight catches of four balls in an async pattern
  2. Eight catches of four balls in a sync pattern

3 Rings

  1. 25 catches of three rings
  2. Two sets of columns with three rings
  3. One on and one off the neck
  4. One over the top
  5. Pull down

3 Clubs

  1. Three catches of three clubs

3 Balls
  1. 4 sets of (6x,4)(2,0)(2,4)*
  2.  531 (6 catches)
  3. 4 sets of a two ball multiplex
  4. Twelve catches of a shower pattern
  5. Six connected behind the back throws
  6. Twelve connected overhead throws
  7. Three up 180
  8. Three up 360

4 Balls

  1. Sixteen catches of four balls in an async pattern
  2. Sixteen catches of four balls in a synch pattern

5 Balls

  1. Five catches of five balls

3 Rings

  1. Four sets of columns
  2. Six catches of a half shower from one side
  3. Three sets of on and off the neck
  4. One up 180
  5. One up 360
  6. Three catches of a full reverse (rings parallel to front)
  7. Pull down with a pancake catch, pancake thrown last

4 Rings

  1. Eight catches of four rings in an async pattern
  2. Eight catches of four rings in a synch pattern

3 Clubs

  1. Nine catches
  2. Three connected double spins
  3. One triple spin

3 Balls
  1. 8 sets of (6x,4)(2,0)(2,4)*
  2. 531 (12 catches)
  3. 12 catches of a shower pattern from the right
  4. 12 catches of a shower pattern from the left
  5. 8 catches of a high/low shower pattern (8 dominant hand throws)
  6. 6 connected behind the back throws connected to 6 connected overhead throws
  7. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360
4 Balls
  1. 50 catches of four balls in an async pattern
  2. 50 catches of four balls in a sync pattern
  3. 16 catches of a half shower
  4. 12 catches of a shower pattern
  5. 2 up sync 360 (non crossing pattern)
  6. 2 up async 360 (non crossing pattern)
  7. 2 up sync 180 (non crossing pattern)
  8. 2 up async 180 (Crossing or non crossing pattern is acceptable)
  9. 6 catches of 534
  10. 8 catches of 7531

5 Balls

  1. 25 catches of five balls

3 Rings

  1. 2 sets of columns
  2. 12 catches of a half shower from the right
  3. 12 catches of a half shower from the left
  4. 3 up 180
  5. 3 up 360
  6. 6 catches of a full reverse (rings parallel to front)
  7. Pull down with a pancake catch, pancake thrown first
  8. 6 catches of pancake throws

4 Rings

  1. 20 catches of four rings in an async pattern
  2. 20 catches of four rings in an synch pattern
  3. 2 up sync 360
  4. 2 up sync 180

5 Rings

  1. 5 Catches

3 Clubs

  1. 30 catches
  2. 15 connected double spins
  3. 6 connected triple spins
  4. 1 behind the back throw from the right in singles
  5. 1 behind the back throw from the left in singles

4 Clubs

  1. 4 catches in an async pattern
  2. 4 catches in a sync pattern

3 Balls

  1. 12 connected overhead throws connected to 12 connected behind the back throws
  2. 3 up shower 360
  3. 3 up 2 stage 720
  4. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  6. 1 up 720
  7. 3 up 360 connected to 12 backcrosses
  8. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws

4 Balls

  1. 10 catches of (6x,4)(4,6x)(0,4)*
  2. 10 catches of (6,4x)(4x,6)(4,0)*
  3. 8 catches of a high/low shower pattern (8 dominant hand throws)
  4. 4 up sync 360 (non crossing pattern)
  5. 4 up async 360 (non crossing pattern)
  6. 4 up sync 180 (non crossing pattern)
  7. 4 up async 180 (Crossing or non crossing pattern is acceptable)
  8. 4 ball async fountain qualify connected to 12 catches of 534 connected to 7531 for 8 catches connected back to the 4 ball async fountain pattern for 8 catches
  9. Overhead Throws for 12 catches (async)
  10. 633 for 12 catches

5 Balls

  1. 100 catches of five balls
  2. 10 catches of a half shower from the right
  3. 10 catches of a half shower from the left
  4. 1 Backcross from the right (from and returning to a qualifying basic pattern)
  5. 1 backcross from the left (from and returning to a qualifying basic pattern)
  6. 2 sets of a 1 up, 4 up multiplex back to a qualifying run of the 5 ball basic pattern
  7. 744 for 3 catches

6 Balls

  1. 6 catches in an async fountain pattern (non crossing)
  2. 6 catches in a sync fountain pattern (non crossing)

3 Rings

  1. 3 catches of pancake throws
  2. 6 overhead throws from the right hand (12 total catches)
  3. 6 overhead throws from the left hand (12 total catches)
  4. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  6. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360
  7. 3 up 360 connected to a 3 up 180
  8. 3 up 2 stage 720 – SiteSwap: 55700229
  9. 1 up 720
  10. 12 catches of a half shower from the right
  11. 12 catches of a half shower from the left
  12. Full reverse (12 catches, rings parallel to front)

4 Rings

  1. 50 catches of four rings in an async fountain pattern
  2. 50 catches of four rings in a sync fountain pattern
  3. Async 4 ring fountain pattern qualify connected to a 4 up async fountain pattern 360 connected to 534 for 12 catches connected back to a qualify of an async 4 ring fountain pattern
  4. 4 up fountain pattern sync 360
  5. 4 up sync 180
  6. 4 up async 180 (crossing or non-crossing pattern is acceptable)
  7. Half shower for 8 catches (high throw is parallel to front)
  8. Full reverse for 8 catches (all throws parallel to front from and returning to a qualifying run of any 4 ring async pattern)

5 Rings

  1. 50 Catches

6 Rings

  1. 6 catches in a sync or async fountain pattern

3 Clubs

  1. 12 connected triple spins
  2. 6 connected high lofty double spins (5 club height or higher)
  3. 6 connected flats
  4. 3 connected behind the back throws starting from the right in singles
  5. 3 connected behind the back throws starting from the left in singles
  6. 1 backcross from the right in doubles
  7. 1 backcross from the left in doubles
  8. 1 backcross from the right in triples
  9. 1 backcross from the left in triples
  10. 1 up 360 from the right (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  11. 1 up 360 from the left (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  12. 1 up 360 from the right in singles
  13. 1 up 360 from the left in singles

4 Clubs

  1. 16 catches in an async pattern
  2. 16 catches in a sync pattern

3 Balls
  1. 12 connected overhead throws connected to 12 connected behind the back throws
  2. 3 up shower 360
  3. 3 up 2 stage 720
  4. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  7. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  8. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  9. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  10. 3 up 720
  11. 3 up 360 connected to 12 backcrosses
  12. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws
  13. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the right (Spin under 975)
  14. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the left (Spin under 975)

4 Balls

  1. 2 connected 4 up async fountain 360s (non crossing)
  2. 2 connected 4 up sync fountain 360s (non crossing)
  3. 4 up sync fountain 2 stage 720 (non crossing)
  4. Overhead Throws for 20 catches (async fountain)
  5. High/Low Shower Pattern (16 catches)
  6. 4 ball async fountain qualify connected to 12 catches of 7531 connected to 534 for 12 catches connected to 633 for 12 catches connected back to the 4 ball async fountain pattern for 8 catches

5 Balls

  1. 20 catches of a half shower from the right
  2. 20 catches of a half shower from the left
  3. 5 Consecutive Backcross throws from the right
  4. 5 Consecutive Backcross throws from the left
  5. 744 for 12 catches
  6. (6x,4)* for 10 catches (does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  7. (6,4x)* for 10 catches (does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  8. 97531 from the right
  9. 97531 from the left
  10. Overhead Throws for 5 catches (Elbows out to the side. Must start and end in a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  11. 3 up 360
  12. 3 up 180

6 Balls

  1. 24 catches in an async pattern (non crossing)
  2. 24 catches in a sync pattern (non crossing)

7 Balls

  1. 7 catches

3 Rings

  1. 3 up 360 connected to 12 pancakes connected to full reverse cascade for 12 catches
  2. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws from the right hand
  3. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws from the left hand
  4. Overhead Throws (both hands, 6 total catches)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  7. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  8. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  9. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  10. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  11. 3 up 2 stage 720
  12. 1 up 720
  13. 12 catches of a half shower from the right
  14. 12 catches of a half shower from the left
  15. 6 catches of right hand pancake half shower throws (high throw made as a pancake rotating parallel to the ground)
  16. 6 catches of left hand pancake half shower throws (high throw made as a pancake rotating parallel to the ground)
  17. Full reverse pancake throws for 3 catches (pancake throws rotating parallel to the ground)

4 Rings

  1. 2 connected 4 up sync 360s
  2. 2 connected 4 up async 360s
  3. 2 connected 4 up sync 180s
  4. 2 connected 4 up async 180s
  5. Pancake throws (4 catches, async non crossing pattern)
  6. Half Shower for 16 catches
  7. 7531 for 8 catches

5 Rings

  1. 3 up 360
  2. 3 up 180
  3. Half Shower from the right for 10 catches
  4. Half Shower from the left for 10 catches
  5. (6x,4)* for 10 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  6. (6,4x)* for 10 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  7. 744 for 6 catches (starts and ends in a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  8. 97531
  9. 753 for 3 catches

6 Rings

  1. 6 catches in a sync fountain pattern
  2. 6 catches in an async fountain pattern

3 Clubs

  1. Kickup start
  2. 12 connected high lofty double spins (5 club height or higher)
  3. 1 up 360 connected to 12 connected catches of flats
  4. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in singles starting from the right (right, left, right)
  5. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in singles starting from the left (left, right, left)
  6. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in doubles starting from the right (right, left, right)
  7. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in doubles starting from the left (left, right, left)
  8. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in triples starting from the right (right, left, right)
  9. Continuous Backcrosses (3) in triples starting from the left (left, right, left)
  10. 3 up 360 (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  11. 3 up 180 (triple spin, crossing pattern)

4 Clubs

  1. Kickup from 3 to 4
  2. 53 for 8 catches
  3. 2 up sync 360
  4. 2 up sync 180

5 Clubs

  1. 10 Catches

3 Balls
  1. 12 connected overhead throws connected to 12 connected behind the back throws
  2. 3 up shower 360
  3. 3 up 2 stage 720
  4. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  7. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  8. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  9. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  10. 3 up 720
  11. 3 up 360 connected to 12 backcrosses
  12. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws
  13. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the Right (Spin under 753 while holding two balls)
  14. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the left (Spin under 753 while holding two balls)
4 Balls
  1. High/Low Shower Pattern (16 catches) – SiteSwap: 9151
  2. 7531 for 16 catches
  3. 2 connected 4 up async 360s (non crossing)
  4. 2 connected 4 up sync 360s (non crossing)
  5. 4 up sync 2 stage 720 – SiteSwap: (6,6)(8,8)(0,0)(2,2)
  6. 4 up async 360 into Overhead Throws for 20 catches
  7. 4 up sync non crossing 360 into Overhead Throws for 20 catches
5 Balls
  1. 20 catches of a half shower from the right
  2. 20 catches of a half shower from the left
  3. Reverse Cascade for 10 catches
  4. Backcross (5 catches)
  5. Overhead Throws (10 catches)
  6. 744 for 18 catches
  7. 97531 for 10 catches starting from the right
  8. 97531 for 10 catches starting from the left
  9. Shower Pattern (10 catches) – SiteSwap: 91
  10. 3 up 360 (crossing pattern) – SiteSwap: 77722
  11. 5 up 360 (crossing pattern) – SiteSwap: 7777700
  12. 3 up 180 (crossing pattern) – SiteSwap: 888222 (after a 180, the hands have switched sides)
  13. 5 up 180 (crossing pattern) – SiteSwap: 88888000
  14. (6x,4)* for 20 catches (does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  15. (6, 4x)* for 20 catches (does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
6 Balls
  1. Up to 30 seconds of collective rest time is allowed in this prop number
  2. 50 catches in an async pattern (non crossing)
  3. 50 catches in an sync pattern (non crossing)
7 Balls
  1. 21 catches
3 Rings
  1. Pancake Throws (12 catches)
  2. 6 overhead throws from the right hand (12 total catches)
  3. 6 overhead throws from the left hand (12 total catches)
  4. Overhead Throws (both hands, 6 total catches)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  7. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  8. 2 connected 3 up 180s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  9. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  10. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  11. 3 up 2 stage 720 – SiteSwap: 5570022
  12. 12 catches of a half shower from the right
  13. 12 catches of a half shower from the left
  14. Full reverse (12 catches, rings parallel to front)
4 Rings
  1. 3 up 360
  2. 3 up 180
  3. Half Shower from the right (20 total catches)
  4. Half Shower from the left (20 total catches)
  5. (6x,4) for 16 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  6. (6, 4x) for 16 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  7. 744 for 12 catches (starts and ends in a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  8. 97531 starting from the right
  9. 97531 starting from the left
5 Rings
  1. 3 up 360
  2. 3 up 180
  3. Half Shower from the right (20 total catches)
  4. Half Shower from the left (20 total catches)
  5. (6x,4) for 16 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  6. (6, 4x) for 16 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  7. 744 for 12 catches (starts and ends in a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  8. 97531 starting from the right
  9. 97531 starting from the left
6 Rings
  1. 24 catches in a sync pattern
  2. 24 catches in an async non-crossing pattern
7 Rings
  1. 7 catches
3 Clubs
  1. Kickup start
  2. 12 connected high lofty double spins (5 club height or higher)
  3. 12 connected flats
  4. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in singles starting from the right
  5. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in singles starting from the left
  6. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in doubles starting from the right
  7. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in doubles starting from the left
  8. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in triples starting from the right
  9. Continuous Backcrosses (6) in triples starting from the left
  10. 3 up 360 starting from the right (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  11. 3 up 360 starting from the left (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  12. 3 up 360 in singles
  13. 3 up 180 (triple spin, crossing pattern)
4 Clubs
  1. Kickup from 3 to 4
  2. 53 for 16 catches
  3. Backcrosses (4 catches in doubles or triples)
  4. To balance and back (start in 4, go to a balance for 6 catches with 3 clubs, then back to 4 for at least 8 catches)
  5. 4 up sync 360
  6. 4 up sync 180
5 Clubs
  1. 50 Catches
  2. Kickup from 4 to 5 (must start juggling 4 for a qualify before kicking up to 5)
  3. Triple spins for 10 catches
  4. 3 up 360
  5. 3 up 180
  6. 744 for 6 catches
  7. (6x,4) for 10 catches (does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  8. Behind the back in doubles from the right for one throw
  9. Behind the back in doubles from the left for one throw

3 Balls
  1. 3 up 720
  2. 3 up 360 connected to 12 backcrosses
  3. 3 up 360 connected to 12 overhead throws
  4. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the Right (Spin under 753 while holding two balls)
  5. 75300 3 Up 360 starting from the Left (Spin under 753 while holding two balls)
4 Balls
  1. 4 up shower 360
  2. High Middle Low Shower Pattern for 12 catches
  3. 7531 for 16 catches
  4. 2 connected 4 up async 360s (non crossing)
  5. 2 connected 4 up sync 360s (non crossing)
  6. 2 stage 4 up 720 in sync (non crossing)
  7. 2 stage 720 in async (non crossing)
  8. 4 up async 360 into Overhead Throws for 20 catches
  9. 4 up sync non crossing 360 into Overhead Throws for 20 catches
  10. 4 up async non crossing 360 into Overhead Throws for 20 catches
  11. 4 up sync 2 stage 720
5 Balls
  1. Reverse Cascade for 20 catches
  2. Backcrosses (10 catches)
  3. Overhead Throws (20 catches)
  4. 744 for 18 catches
  5. 97531 for 20 catches starting from the right
  6. 97531 for 20 catches starting from the left
Shower Pattern (20 catches)
  8. High/Low Shower Pattern (10 catches, then back into basic shower for 10 catches)
  9. High/Middle/Low Shower Pattern for 6 catches
  10. 3 up shower 360
3 up 360 from the right (crossing pattern)
3 up 360 from the left (crossing pattern)
  13. 5 up 360 from the right (crossing pattern)
  14. 5 up 360 from the left (crossing pattern)
  15. 2 Connected 3 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  16. 2 connected 5 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  17. Transition from a basic pattern to (6x,4) for 20 catches and then back to the basic pattern for 10 catches
  18. Transition from a basic pattern to (6,4x) for 20 catches and then back to the basic pattern for 10 catches
6 Balls
  1. 100 catches in an async pattern (non crossing)
  2. 100 catches in an sync pattern (non crossing)
  3. Transition from async to synch fountain pattern and back to async (20 catches of each pattern, 60 in total)
  4. Half Shower (50 Catches)
  5. Transition from async fountain to half shower (20 catches of each, 40 in total)
7 Balls
  1. 50 catches
3 Rings
  1. Pancake Throws (20 catches)
  2. 12 overhead throws from the right hand (12 total catches)
  3. 12 overhead throws from the left hand (12 total catches)
  4. Overhead Throws (both hands, 12 total catches)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  7. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  8. 3 up 180 connected to a 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  9. 3 up 2 stage 720
4 Rings
  1. Pancake throws (16 catches, async non crossing pattern)
  2. Half Shower from the right (16 total catches)
  3. Half Shower from the left (16 total catches)
  4. 7531 starting from the right
  5. 7531 starting from the left
  6. 2 connected 4 up sync 360s (non-crossing pattern)
  7. 2 connected 4 up async 360s (non-crossing pattern)
  8. 2 connected 4 up sync 180s (non-crossing pattern)
  9. 2 connected 4 up async 180s (non-crossing pattern)
  10. Overhead throws from one side (16 catches, crossing pattern)
5 Rings
  1. 3 up 360 starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  2. 3 up 360 starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  3. 5 up 360 (crossing pattern)
  4. 3 up 180 starting (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  6. Half Shower from the right (20 total catches)
  7. Half Shower from the left (20 total catches)
  8. Full Reverse Cascade (5 catches, rings parallel to front)
  9. (6x,4) for 16 catches (must start and end in the basic pattern for a qualify)
  10. (6, 4x) for 16 catches (must start and end in the basic pattern for a qualify)
  11. 744 for 24 catches (must start and end in the basic pattern for a qualify)
  12. 97531 for 10 catches
  13. Overhead throws from one side (10 total catches)
  14. Pancakes (5 catches)
6 Rings
  1. 50 catches in a sync pattern
  2. 50 catches in an async non-crossing pattern
7 Rings
  1. 21 catches
3 Clubs
  1. Continuous Backcrosses (20) in singles
  2. Continuous Backcrosses (20) in doubles
  3. Continuous Backcrosses (20) in triples
  4. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  6. 3 up 360 in singles starting from the right
  7. 3 up 360 in singles starting from the left
  8. 3 up backcross 360 in triples
  9. 3 up 360 in singles connected to 12 backcrosses in singles
  10. 2 connected 3 up 180s (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  11. 3 up 2 stage 720 (2 triples and 1 quad)
  12. 3 body throws (front to back between the legs)
  13. 3 reverse body throws (back to front between the legs)
  14. Overhead throws (6 catches)
4 Clubs
  1. 53 half shower for 16 catches from the right
  2. 53 half shower for 16 catches from the left
  3. Parallel to front shower pattern for 8 catches (does not need to reenter basic pattern)
  4. Backcrosses starting from the right (16 catches in doubles or triples)
  5. Backcrosses starting from the left (16 catches in doubles or triples)
  6. To balance and back backcrosses (start in 4, go to a balance for 6 catches with 3 clubs, then 6 catches of backcrosses in singles, then back to 4 for at least 8 catches)
  7. 4 up sync 360
  8. 4 up sync 180
  9. Splits (16 catches)
  10. Flats (8 catches, non crossing pattern)
5 Clubs
  1. Kickup from 4 to 5
  2. Single spins for 20 catches
  3. 3 up 360 starting from the right
  4. 3 up 360 starting from the left
  5. 5 up 360
  6. 2 connected 3 up 180s
  7. 5 up 180 connected
  8. 744 for 24 catches
  9. (6x,4) for 20 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  10. (6,4x) for 20 catches (Does not need to start or end in the basic pattern)
  11. Backcrosses in doubles from the right for 10 total catches
  12. Backcrosses in doubles from the left for 10 total catches
  13. Backcrosses for 10 catches (doubles or triples)
  14. Half Shower (10 total catches)
6 Clubs
  1. 6 catches in an async fountain pattern

5 Balls
  1. Reverse Cascade for 20 catches
  2. Backcrosses (20 catches)
  3. Overhead Throws (50 catches)
  4. 3 up 360 connected to 20 overhead throws
  5. 3 up 360 connected to 10 backcrosses
  6. 3 up 360 connected to 744 for 18 catches
  7. 97531 for 20 catches starting from the right
  8. 97531 for 20 catches starting from the left
  9. High/Low Shower Pattern (10 catches, then back into basic shower for 10 catches)
  10. High/Middle/Low Shower Pattern for 12 catches
  11. 5 up shower 360 (starting in a qualifying run of a shower pattern)
  12. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  13. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  14. 2 connected 5 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  15. 2 connected 5 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  16. 5 Up 2 Stage 720 – SiteSwap: 779990022
  17. 2 Connected 3 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  18. 2 connected 5 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  19. 5 up 180 connected to a 5 up 360
  20. 3 up 360 connected to (6x,4) for 16 catches and then back to the basic pattern for 10 catches
  21. 3 up 360 connected to (6,4x)*  for 16 catches and then back to the basic pattern for 10 catches
  22. (6x,4)* 3 up 360 – SiteSwap: (8x,4)(6,8x)(2,2)
6 Balls
  1. Transition from async to synch fountain pattern and back to async (20 catches of each pattern, 60 in total)
  2. Half Shower (50 Catches)
  3. Transition from async fountain to half shower (20 catches of each, 40 in total)
Async fountain 4 up 360
  5. B97531
  6. Overhead Throws async fountain for 20 catches (must start from a qualifying run of the basic pattern and return to a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  7. Shower for 12 catches – SiteSwap: b1
7 Balls
  1. Cascade – 100 catches
  2. 5 up 360
  3. 5 up 180
  4. 966 for 6 catches
  5. Half shower for 14 catches (must start from a qualifying run of the basic pattern and return to a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  6. Overhead Throws for 14 catches
8 Balls
  1. Async fountain – 16 catches
  2. Sync fountain – 16 catches
5 Rings
  1. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  2. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  3. 2 connected 5 up 360s starting from the right (crossing pattern)
  4. 2 connected 5 up 360s starting from the left (crossing pattern)
  5. 2 connected 3 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  6. 2 connected 5 up 180s (crossing pattern)
  7. Half Shower from the right (20 total catches)
  8. Half Shower from the left (20 total catches)
  9. Full Reverse Cascade (20 catches, rings parallel to front)
  10. 5 up 360 connected to (6x,4)* for 16 catches
  11. 5 up 360 connected to 744 for 24 catches
  12. 97531 for 10 catches
  13. Overhead throws from one side (20 total catches)
  14. Overhead throws from both sides for 10 catches (must start from a qualifying run of the basic pattern and return to a qualifying run of the basic pattern)
  15. Pancakes (20 catches)
  16. 3 up 360 connected to 10 pancakes
6 Rings
  1. Async fountain – 100 catches
  2. Sync fountain – 100 catches
  3. Async fountain 4 up 360
  4. Sync fountain 4 up 360
  5. Transition from async fountain to sync fountain (20 catches of each, 40 in total)
7 Rings
  1. 50 catches
8 Rings
  1. Async fountain – 16 catches
3 Clubs
  1. 10 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  2. 10 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left (triple spin, crossing pattern)
  3. 4 connected 3 up 360s in singles starting from the right
  4. 4 connected 3 up 360s in singles starting from the right
  5. 12 backcrosses in singles connected to a 3 up backcross 360 in triples and then back to 12 backcrosses in singles
  6. 3 up 360 in singles connected to 12 backcrosses in singles
  7. 3 up 2 stage 720 (2 singles and 1 double)
  8. 12 body throws (front to back between the legs)
  9. 12 reverse body throws (back to front between the legs)
  10. Overhead throws (12 catches)
4 Clubs
  1. 53 backcrosses for 12 catches
  2. Parallel to front shower pattern for 16 catches (does not need to reenter basic pattern)
  3. To balance and back backcrosses (start in 4, go to a balance for 6 catches with 3 clubs, then 12 catches of backcrosses in singles, then back to 4 for at least 8 catches)
  4. Splits (16 catches)
  5. Flats (16 catches, non crossing pattern)
5 Clubs
  1. Kickup from 4 to 5
  2. 5 up 360 starting from the right
  3. 5 up 360 starting from the left
  4. 5 up 360 connected to single spins for 20 catches
  5. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the right
  6. 2 connected 3 up 360s starting from the left
  7. 5 Up 2 Stage 720 – SiteSwap: 779990022
  8. 2 connected 5 up 180s
  9. 5 up 180 connected to a 5 up 360
  10. 5 up 360 connected to 744 for 24 catches
  11. 3 up 360 connected to (6x,4)* for 20 catches (must start and end in the basic pattern for a qualify)
  12. 3 up 360 connected to (6,4x)* for 20 catches (must start and end in the basic pattern for a qualify)
  13. (6x,4)* 3 up 360 – SiteSwap: (8x,4)(6,8x)(2,2)
  14. Backcrosses in doubles from the right for 20 total catches
  15. Backcrosses in doubles from the left for 20 total catches
  16. Backcrosses for 20 catches in doubles
  17. Backcrosses for 20 catches in triples
  18. 5 up 360 connected to 10 backcrosses
  19. Half Shower (20 total catches)
6 Clubs
  1. Async fountain – 20 catches

For details about gradin, please contact Wenjugglers on the number given below.

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